Looking for the ideal property to purchase in Spain can become a nightmare because of the misleading or downright false information shown in listings. Investing in a property is a big decision, and the process can sometimes be stressful. One needs to have a good understanding of the market, and solid knowledge of the steps that need to be taken. If we add to this that many listings on property websites contain at least some information that is not entirely truthful, then things really get complicated and discouraging. (more…)

Discover the best areas to disconnect on the coast

Disconnecting from work is fundamental to our quality of life. The mind needs to relax, to change its activities and thoughts in order to reduce the stress level and perform better on a day to day basis. In addition, enjoying our free time with family, friends or hobbies is necessary to have a good mood. (more…)
Pleased to greet you, my name is Celia Ferrer and I am a Real Estate Personal Shopper in Valencia. If you decide to hire me, together with my colleagues I will be the person who accompanies you in your project to buy property. (more…)
How do real estate personal shoppers keep working when the whole country is under lockdown? (more…)